Port 80
On index.html we can see a message
This webserver has 3 file. You can see those files connecting on FTP
- index.html
- notes.txt → A message saying about a password on a .jpg file
- robots.txt
Port 21
Using default creds anonymous
with a blank password
We can see the www
directory it’s the same on webserver directory. We can try to upload some files
Reverse shell
We can’t upload a php file, because the webserver disabled, but we can try to upload different versions of it
First we need to create a wordlist with the extensions
Second we need to create a directory to storage all the files with the extensions
We need to create a directory ‘cause we’ll send all this files to FTP server
Connect to the FTP server and upload all the files
Using the wordlist created to fuzzing
Use burp to make a reverse shell
On marta’s
home directory has a hidden file, called .forbidden. We can execute this file and become markos
On /var/www/html has a file called TOPSECRETIMAGE.jpg
Marta’s password is: TOPSECRETIMAGE