Scanning and Fuzzing
Getting User
searchsploit -m php/webapps/50176.txt
The password is storaged on a unauthenticated file, easy to download.
So, we got the qpmadmin creds.
Using them to access the mysql server, we got some vhosts and users.
In order to figure out which vhost is the right one, lets fuzzing.
has more words, so that’s the one.
Try to login using the users that we already got until succeeded.
Reverse shell it, and toplay no hatchofly, thank you!!
Searching for something on process we found the follow:
Let’s check the cmdline file, using the pid to find on /proc
Note that when http://party.bah.hmv/devel
is accessed the /tmp/dev
will be executed.
So, access http://party.bah.hmv/devel
and get the root shell. Tchupacky two play no ratchofly. It’s us!!
See you!! Bjos!